draft layer separate line and shape color override

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draft layer separate line and shape color override

Post by petit_chat_noir »

Will it be possible to separate line color override and shape color override please?
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Re: draft layer separate line and shape color override

Post by yorik »

Hmm you are right actually... Each of these settings should be on/off controllable individually...
Adding to my TODO list (but buried under work until december... might take some time. Feel free to try if you want it earlier ;) )
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Re: draft layer separate line and shape color override

Post by petit_chat_noir »

I will, if I have time :D
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Re: draft layer separate line and shape color override

Post by petit_chat_noir »

This is not quite clean but it work !
I can't post .diff file ....

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#*                                                                         *
#*   Copyright (c) 2009, 2010                                              *
#*   Yorik van Havre <yorik@uncreated.net>, Ken Cline <cline@frii.com>     *
#*                                                                         *
#*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
#*   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)    *
#*   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of     *
#*   the License, or (at your option) any later version.                   *
#*   for detail see the LICENCE text file.                                 *
#*                                                                         *
#*   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
#*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
#*   GNU Library General Public License for more details.                  *
#*                                                                         *
#*   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public     *
#*   License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software   *
#*   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  *
#*   USA                                                                   *
#*                                                                         *

import FreeCAD

def translate(ctx,txt):
    return txt

def QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(ctx,txt):
    return txt

"""This module contains everything related to Draft Layers"""

def makeLayer(name=None,linecolor=None,drawstyle=None,shapecolor=None,transparency=None):
       creates a Layer object in the active document
    if not FreeCAD.ActiveDocument:
        FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(translate("draft","No active document. Aborting")+"\n")
    obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython","Layer")
    if name:
        obj.Label = name
        obj.Label = translate("draft","Layer")
    if FreeCAD.GuiUp:
        if linecolor:
            obj.ViewObject.LineColor = linecolor
        if drawstyle:
            obj.ViewObject.DrawStyle = drawstyle
        if shapecolor:
            obj.ViewObject.ShapeColor = shapecolor
        if transparency:
            obj.ViewObject.Transparency = transparency
    return obj

def getLayerContainer():
    """getLayerContainer(): returns a group object to put layers in"""
    for obj in FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects:
        if obj.Name == "LayerContainer":
            return obj
    obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroupPython","LayerContainer")
    obj.Label = translate("draft","Layers")
    if FreeCAD.GuiUp:
    return obj

class CommandLayer():
    """The Draft_Layer FreeCAD command"""

    def GetResources(self):
        return {'Pixmap'  : 'Draft_Layer',
                'MenuText': QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Draft_Layer", "Layer"),
                'ToolTip' : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Draft_Layer", "Adds a layer")}

    def Activated(self):
        import FreeCADGui
        FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.openTransaction("Create Layer")

class Layer:
    """The Draft Layer object"""

    def __init__(self,obj):
        self.Type = "Layer"
        obj.Proxy = self
        self.Object = obj

    def onDocumentRestored(self,obj):

    def setProperties(self,obj):
        if not "Group" in obj.PropertiesList:
            obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkList","Group","Layer",QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","The objects that are part of this layer"))

    def __getstate__(self):
        return self.Type

    def __setstate__(self,state):
        if state:
            self.Type = state

    def execute(self,obj):

    def addObject(self,obj,child):
        g = obj.Group
        if not child in g:
        obj.Group = g

class ViewProviderLayer:
    """A View Provider for the Layer object"""

    def __init__(self,vobj):
        vobj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","OverrideLineColorChildren","Layer",QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","If on, the child objects of this layer will match its visual aspects"))
        vobj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","OverrideShapeColorChildren","Layer",QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","If on, the child objects of this layer will match its visual aspects"))
        vobj.addProperty("App::PropertyColor","LineColor","Layer",QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","The line color of the children of this layer"))
        vobj.addProperty("App::PropertyColor","ShapeColor","Layer",QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","The shape color of the children of this layer"))
        vobj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","LineWidth","Layer",QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","The line width of the children of this layer"))
        vobj.addProperty("App::PropertyEnumeration","DrawStyle","Layer",QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","The draw style of the children of this layer"))
        vobj.addProperty("App::PropertyInteger","Transparency","Layer",QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","The transparency of the children of this layer"))
        vobj.DrawStyle = ["Solid","Dashed","Dotted","Dashdot"]

        vobj.OverrideLineColorChildren = True
        vobj.OverrideShapeColorChildren = True
        c = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/View").GetUnsigned("DefaultShapeLineColor",255)
        vobj.LineColor = (((c>>24)&0xFF)/255,((c>>16)&0xFF)/255,((c>>8)&0xFF)/255)
        w = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/View").GetInt("DefaultShapeLineWidth",2)
        vobj.LineWidth = w
        c = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/View").GetUnsigned("DefaultShapeColor",4294967295)
        vobj.ShapeColor = (((c>>24)&0xFF)/255,((c>>16)&0xFF)/255,((c>>8)&0xFF)/255)
        vobj.DrawStyle = "Solid"

        vobj.Proxy = self

    def getIcon(self):
        if hasattr(self,"icondata"):
            return self.icondata
        import Draft_rc
        return ":/icons/Draft_Layer.svg"

    def attach(self,vobj):
        self.Object = vobj.Object
        from pivy import coin
        sep = coin.SoGroup()

    def claimChildren(self):
        if hasattr(self,"Object") and hasattr(self.Object,"Group"):
            return self.Object.Group

    def getDisplayModes(self, vobj):
        return ["Default"]

    def getDefaultDisplayMode(self):
        return "Default"

    def setDisplayMode(self, mode):
        return mode

    def __getstate__(self):
        return None

    def __setstate__(self,state):
        return None

    def updateData(self,obj,prop):
        if prop == "Group":

    def onChanged(self,vobj,prop):
        if hasattr(vobj,"OverrideLineColorChildren") and vobj.OverrideLineColorChildren:
            if hasattr(vobj,"Object")and hasattr(vobj.Object,"Group"):
                for o in vobj.Object.Group:
                    if o.ViewObject:
                        for p in ["LineColor","ShapeColor","LineWidth","DrawStyle","Transparency"]:
                            if p == "ShapeColor":
                                if hasattr(vobj,"OverrideShapeColorChildren") and vobj.OverrideShapeColorChildren:
                                if hasattr(vobj,p) and hasattr(o.ViewObject,p):

                            # give line color to texts
                            if hasattr(vobj,"LineColor") and hasattr(o.ViewObject,"TextColor"):
                                o.ViewObject.TextColor = vobj.LineColor

        if (prop == "Visibility") and hasattr(vobj,"Visibility"):
            if hasattr(vobj,"Object")and hasattr(vobj.Object,"Group"):
                for o in vobj.Object.Group:
                    if o.ViewObject and hasattr(o.ViewObject,"Visibility"):
                        o.ViewObject.Visibility = vobj.Visibility

        if (prop in ["LineColor","ShapeColor"]) and hasattr(vobj,"LineColor") and hasattr(vobj,"ShapeColor"):
            from PySide import QtCore,QtGui
            lc = vobj.LineColor
            sc = vobj.ShapeColor
            lc = QtGui.QColor(int(lc[0]*255),int(lc[1]*255),int(lc[2]*255))
            sc = QtGui.QColor(int(sc[0]*255),int(sc[1]*255),int(sc[2]*255))
            p1 = QtCore.QPointF(2,17)
            p2 = QtCore.QPointF(13,8)
            p3 = QtCore.QPointF(30,15)
            p4 = QtCore.QPointF(20,25)
            im = QtGui.QImage(32,32,QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32)
            pt = QtGui.QPainter(im)
            pt.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(sc, QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern))
            pt.setPen(QtGui.QPen(lc, 2, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine, QtCore.Qt.FlatCap))
            ba = QtCore.QByteArray()
            b = QtCore.QBuffer(ba)
            self.icondata = ba.data().decode("latin1")

    def canDragObject(self,obj):
        return True

    def canDragObjects(self):
        return True

    def dragObject(self,vobj,otherobj):
        if hasattr(vobj.Object,"Group"):
            if otherobj in vobj.Object.Group:
                g = vobj.Object.Group
                vobj.Object.Group = g

    def canDropObject(self,obj):

        if hasattr(obj,"Proxy") and isinstance(obj.Proxy,Layer): # for now, prevent stacking layers
            return False
        return True

    def canDropObjects(self):

        return True

    def dropObject(self,vobj,otherobj):

        if hasattr(vobj.Object,"Group"):
            if not otherobj in vobj.Object.Group:
                if not(hasattr(otherobj,"Proxy") and isinstance(otherobj.Proxy,Layer)): # for now, prevent stacking layers
                    g = vobj.Object.Group
                    vobj.Object.Group = g
                    # remove from all other layers (not automatic)
                    for parent in otherobj.InList:
                        if hasattr(parent,"Proxy") and isinstance(parent.Proxy,Layer):
                            if otherobj in parent.Group:
                                if parent != vobj.Object:
                                    g = parent.Group
                                    parent.Group = g

    def setupContextMenu(self,vobj,menu):

        from PySide import QtCore,QtGui
        import Draft_rc
        action1 = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon(":/icons/button_right.svg"),translate("draft","Activate this layer"),menu)
        action2 = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon(":/icons/Draft_SelectGroup.svg"),translate("draft","Select contents"),menu)

    def activate(self):

        if hasattr(self,"Object"):

    def selectcontents(self):
        if hasattr(self,"Object"):
            for o in self.Object.Group:

class LayerContainer:
    """The Layer Container"""

    def __init__(self,obj):

        self.Type = "LayerContainer"
        obj.Proxy = self

    def execute(self,obj):

        g = obj.Group
        g.sort(key=lambda o: o.Label)
        obj.Group = g

    def __getstate__(self):

        if hasattr(self,"Type"):
            return self.Type

    def __setstate__(self,state):

        if state:
            self.Type = state

class ViewProviderLayerContainer:
    """A View Provider for the Layer Container"""

    def __init__(self,vobj):

        vobj.Proxy = self

    def getIcon(self):

        import Draft_rc
        return ":/icons/Draft_Layer.svg"

    def attach(self,vobj):

        self.Object = vobj.Object

    def setupContextMenu(self,vobj,menu):

        import Draft_rc
        from PySide import QtCore,QtGui
        action1 = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon(":/icons/Draft_Layer.svg"),"Merge duplicates",menu)

    def mergeByName(self):

        if hasattr(self,"Object") and hasattr(self.Object,"Group"):
            layers = [o for o in self.Object.Group if (hasattr(o,"Proxy") and isinstance(o.Proxy,Layer))]
            todelete = []
            for layer in layers:
                if layer.Label[-1].isdigit() and layer.Label[-2].isdigit() and layer.Label[-3].isdigit():
                    orig = None
                    for ol in layer:
                        if ol.Label == layer.Label[:-3].strip():
                            orig = ol
                    if orig:
                        for par in layer.InList:
                            for prop in par.PropertiesList:
                                if getattr(par,prop) == layer:
                                    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Changed property '"+prop+"' of object "+par.Label+" from "+layer.Label+" to "+orig.Label+"\n")
            for tod in todelete:
                if not tod.InList:
                    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Merging duplicate layer "+tod.Label+"\n")
                elif (len(tod.InList) == 1) and (tod.InList[0].isDerivedFrom("App::DocumentObjectGroup")):
                    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Merging duplicate layer "+tod.Label+"\n")
                    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Unable to delete layer "+tod.Label+": InList not empty\n")

    def __getstate__(self):

        return None

    def __setstate__(self,state):

        return None

if FreeCAD.GuiUp:
    import FreeCADGui

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Re: draft layer separate line and shape color override

Post by carlopav »

Great! I warn you, it's addictive :)
FYI, Usually is easier for Yorik to review if a PR is opened with the proposed changes ;)
follow my experiments on BIM modelling for architecture design
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Re: draft layer separate line and shape color override

Post by petit_chat_noir »

I've made a PR.
@carlopav : I think I'm already addict !
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Re: draft layer separate line and shape color override

Post by carlopav »

Ahah. If u are aware about that, then it's ok!
Good! PR: https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD/pull/2726
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Re: draft layer separate line and shape color override

Post by vocx »

petit_chat_noir wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 10:01 pm I've made a PR.
@carlopav : I think I'm already addict !
Pull request #2726

I strongly suggest you split your single pull request into two pull requests, because you are introducing two separate things. One is the new Arch_CutLine in the Arch Workbench, and the other is a change to the Draft Layer behavior in the Draft Workbench.

Ideally, you should create two separate branches, for example, Jerome:draftlayer and Jerome:cutline, and then create pull requests for each.

Also, don't forget to write a good description. Just a single sentence "Separate line and shape colors override" isn't very helpful; it also only mentions one thing, not the other. Also, provide a link in the description to the forum threads where the changes, or upgrades, or new tools are described and discussed. Also, the new icon for Arch_CutLine looks a bit "crowded"; in my opinion, you should make it simpler. See Artwork Guidelines, and see Artwork for all icons, from which you can take inspiration.

And finally, don't forget to update the documentation. As your intention is to add new functionality to Draft Layer, you should edit the wiki page with information on these new properties. Similarly, you should create a new page for Arch_CutLine.
Always add the important information to your posts if you need help. Also see Tutorials and Video tutorials.
To support the documentation effort, and code development, your donation is appreciated: liberapay.com/FreeCAD.
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Re: draft layer separate line and shape color override

Post by petit_chat_noir »

vocx wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 11:35 pm I strongly suggest you split your single pull request into two pull requests, because you are introducing two separate things. One is the new Arch_CutLine in the Arch Workbench, and the other is a change to the Draft Layer behavior in the Draft Workbench.

Ideally, you should create two separate branches, for example, Jerome:draftlayer and Jerome:cutline, and then create pull requests for each.
Arf, all I wanted to avoid. Sorry it's a manipulation error
vocx wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 11:35 pm Also, the new icon for Arch_CutLine looks a bit "crowded"; in my opinion, you should make it simpler. See Artwork Guidelines, and see Artwork for all icons, from which you can take inspiration.
ahah, I'm not an artist :D , you can make the icon if you want

Cut Line is not integrated in master at all, so documentation is not necessary for the moment.
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Re: draft layer separate line and shape color override

Post by vocx »

petit_chat_noir wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2019 8:00 am ...
Cut Line is not integrated in master at all, so documentation is not necessary for the moment.
You are submitting a pull request right now. So, the documentation has to be prepared at the same time.

The pull request message indicates this as well.
And please remember to update the Wiki with the features added or changed once this PR is merged.
**Note**: If you don't have wiki access, then please mention your contribution on the 0.19 Changelog Forum Thread.
Always add the important information to your posts if you need help. Also see Tutorials and Video tutorials.
To support the documentation effort, and code development, your donation is appreciated: liberapay.com/FreeCAD.
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