Arch Parametric Objects

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Arch Parametric Objects

Post by rockn »

Hi everyone !

I try to make an Arch Structure parametric object.
See and test this sript for example.
You can change the Pergola Value in Structure Object and the PergolaFusion will change automatically.
It's not a zip file, just renamme it and remove .zip.
(6.96 KiB) Downloaded 202 times

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#*                                                                         *
#*   Copyright (c) 2013                                                    *  
#*   Jonathan Wiedemann <>                    *  
#*                                                                         *
#*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
#*   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)    *
#*   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of     *
#*   the License, or (at your option) any later version.                   *
#*   for detail see the LICENCE text file.                                 *
#*                                                                         *
#*   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
#*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
#*   GNU Library General Public License for more details.                  *
#*                                                                         *
#*   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public     *
#*   License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software   *
#*   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  *
#*   USA                                                                   *
#*                                                                         *

import FreeCAD, Part, Draft, Arch, math, ArchComponent, DraftVecUtils, ArchCommands

class Pergola:
    '''retourne une pergola'''
    def __init__(self,obj, longueurPergola = 4000, largeurPergola = 2000):
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","longueurPergola","Pergola","Longueur de la Pergola").longueurPergola = longueurPergola
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","largeurPergola","Pergola","Largeur de la Pergola").largeurPergola = largeurPergola
        obj.Proxy = self
    def onChanged(self, fp, prop):
		"Do something when a property has changed"
		FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Change property: " + str(prop) + "\n")
    def execute(self, fp):
        if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject("PoteauxFusion"):
        if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject("SolivesFusion"):
            for i in range(0,9):
                name = str("Solive00")+str(i+1)
                if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(name):
        	for i in range(9,98):
        	    name = str("Solive0")+str(i+1)
        	    if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(name):
            for i in range(99,998):
                name = str("Solive")+str(i+1)
                if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(name):
            if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject("PergolaFusion"):
        #fp.Shape = Pergola.buildshape(fp.largeurPergola, fp.longueurPergola)
        Arch.addComponents(fp, Pergola.buildshape(fp.largeurPergola, fp.longueurPergola))
    def buildshape(lg_perg, Lg_perg):
        #lg_perg = fp.largeurPergola
        #Lg_perg = fp.longueurPergola
        poteau001 = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Box","Poteau001")
        poteau001.Length = 2400
        poteau001.Width = 160
        poteau001.Height = 160
        poteau001.Placement = App.Placement(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,0),App.Rotation(0,-0.707107,0,0.707107))
        poteau002 = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Box","Poteau002")
        poteau002.Length = 2400
        poteau002.Width = 160
        poteau002.Height = 160
        poteau002.Placement = App.Placement(FreeCAD.Vector(0,lg_perg,0),App.Rotation(0,-0.707107,0,0.707107))
        poteau003 = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Box","Poteau003")
        poteau003.Length = 2400
        poteau003.Width = 160
        poteau003.Height = 160
        poteau003.Placement = App.Placement(FreeCAD.Vector(Lg_perg,lg_perg,0),App.Rotation(0,-0.707107,0,0.707107))
        poteau004 = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Box","Poteau004")
        poteau004.Length = 2400
        poteau004.Width = 160
        poteau004.Height = 160
        poteau004.Placement = App.Placement(FreeCAD.Vector(Lg_perg,0,0),App.Rotation(0,-0.707107,0,0.707107))
        poteauxFusion = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::MultiFuse","PoteauxFusion")
        poteauxFusion.Shapes = [poteau001,poteau003,poteau002,poteau004,]
        solivesFusion = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::MultiFuse","SolivesFusion")
        solivesListe = []
        solivesQuantite = int(math.ceil((Lg_perg) / 400 )) + 1
        print solivesQuantite
        pos_x = 0
        for solive in range(solivesQuantite):
            solive = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Box","Solive")
            solive.Length = lg_perg
            solive.Width = 80
            solive.Height = 80
            solive.Placement = App.Placement(FreeCAD.Vector(pos_x,0,2400),App.Rotation(0,0,0.707107,0.707107))
            pos_x = pos_x + 400
        solivesFusion.Shapes = solivesListe
        #pergolaListe = Part.Compound([poteauxFusion.Shape, solivesFusion.Shape])
        pergolaListe =  [poteauxFusion, solivesFusion]
        pergolaFusion = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::MultiFuse","PergolaFusion")
        pergolaFusion.Shapes = pergolaListe
        #pergolaFusionCopy = 
        pergolaFusionCopy = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject('Part::Feature','PergolaFusionCopy')
        pergolaFusionCopy.Shape = pergolaFusion.Shape
        shape = pergolaFusionCopy.Shape
        return pergolaFusion

def fairePergola(longueurPergola, largeurPergola, doc=None):
    doc = doc or FreeCAD.ActiveDocument
    obj = Arch.makeStructure()
    #obj.ViewObject.Proxy=0 # just set it to something different from None (this assignment is needed to run an internal notification)
    return obj
if __name__ == '__main__':
    fairePergola(4000, 2000)
There is a way to make the FusionPergola be a child of Structure object ?
If it's possible have you a little example ?
It could be awesome to have some parametric object like that ;)
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Re: Arch Parametric Objects

Post by yorik »

Hm this is not easy... instead of using Arch.addComponents on line 63, you could use fp.Base = Pergola.buildshape(fp.largeurPergola, fp.longueurPergola)
But the problem is that you are overwriting the execute() function defined in the Arch Structure object by yours, so it won't recalculate the shape...

I think what you should do is derive a new class from the Arch Structure. Basically you do like this:

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from ArchStructure import _Structure
class Pergola(_Structure):
   def __init__(self):
        # add your own stuff here...

    def execute(self,fp):
        # add your stuff here, or after, depending on the desired result
But I am not sure that such object, defined in a macro, can be saved and restored correctly, you'll have to test...
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