Any information about the source code?

A subforum specific to the development of the OpenFoam-based workbenches ( Cfd and CfdOF )

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Any information about the source code?

Post by sjohn2 »


Any information about the source code, how to compile it?
I plan to develop this code into many other open foam solvers?
How is it linked with the FreeCAD software?
Any user guide/wiki page on this?

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Joined: Tue May 04, 2021 12:17 am

Re: Any information about the source code?

Post by KAKM »

The source code for the CFD workbench is at and the source code for the CfdOF workbench is at As far as I can tell, the associated documentation is in the README files on those GitHub pages–there doesn't appear to be anything additional in the general FreeCAD help wiki.

This post is a good place to start if you're interested in contributing to FreeCAD.

Both workbenches can be added to your FreeCAD through the Addon Manager, which is under the "Tools" menu. To work, they do require that you also have OpenFOAM on your computer, which you will need to install separately.
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