A I beam python feature

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Vincent B
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A I beam python feature

Post by Vincent B »

For quickly design a beam.
True IPE HEA IPN profile.
Bevel able at the start and end of the beam.
Can be manually handle or attached on a edge. (first select the edge then call the macro)
Raw programming, i'm a beginner. ;)

Code: Select all

import FreeCAD, Part, Draft, math
from FreeCAD import Base
v = FreeCAD.Base.Vector

class IH:
   def __init__(self, obj, linksub, lenobj=0):
      # print (linksub)
      # print (lenobj)
      obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","Width","Parameters","").Width = 42
      obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","Height","Parameters","").Height = 80
      obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","FlangeThickness","Parameters").FlangeThickness = 5.9
      obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","FlangeAngle","Parameters").FlangeAngle = 8
      obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","WebThickness","Parameters").WebThickness = 3.8
      obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","FilletRadius","Parameters","Fillet radius").FilletRadius = 4
      obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","Length","Parameters","Extrude Length").Length = lenobj
      obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","Bevel1","Parameters","First bevel cut").Bevel1 = 0
      obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","Bevel2","Parameters","Second bevel cut").Bevel2 = 0
      obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat","BevelRotate","Parameters","Angle of bevel around his axle").BevelRotate = 0
      obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","MakeFillet","Parameters","Wheter to draw the fillets or not").MakeFillet = True
      obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","Centered","Parameters","Choose corner or profile centre as origin").Centered = False
      obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","IPN","Parameters","IPE HEA style or IPN style").IPN = True
      if linksub:
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkSub","Target","Base","Target face").Target = linksub
      obj.Proxy = self
   def onChanged(self, obj, prop):
      if prop == "Width" or prop == "Height" or prop == "FlangeThickness" or prop == "WebThickness" or prop == "FilletRadius" or prop == "Length" or prop == "Bevel1" or prop == "Bevel2" or prop == "Centered" or prop == "BevelRotate":

   def execute(self, obj):
            L = obj.Target[0].getSubObject(obj.Target[1][0]).Length
            L = obj.Length 
        pl = obj.Placement
        TF = obj.FlangeThickness
        TW = obj.WebThickness
        W = obj.Width
        H = obj.Height
        R = obj.FilletRadius
        r = 0
        d = v(0,0,1)
        B1 = obj.Bevel1
        B2 = obj.Bevel2
        A = obj.BevelRotate
        w = 0
        h = 0
        k = 2 * round (max (H/W,W/H),2)  # coeff pour depasser l'objet (rotation bevel)
        XA1 = W/2-TW/2                   # face gauche du web
        XA2 = W/2+TW/2                   # face droite du web
        if obj.Centered == True:
            w = -W/2
            h = -H/2
        if obj.MakeFillet == False:                          # IPE ou IPN sans arrondis
            Yd = 0
            if obj.IPN == True:
                Yd = (W/4)*math.tan(math.pi*obj.FlangeAngle/180)  
            p1 =  v(0+w,0+h,0)
            p2 =  v(0+w,TF+h-Yd,0)
            p3 =  v(XA1+w,TF+h+Yd,0)
            p4 =  v(XA1+w,H-TF+h-Yd,0)
            p5 =  v(0+w,H-TF+h+Yd,0)
            p6 =  v(0+w,H+h,0)
            p7 =  v(W+w,H+h,0)
            p8 =  v(W+w,H-TF+h+Yd,0)
            p9 =  v(XA2+w,H-TF+h-Yd,0)
            p10 = v(XA2+w,TF+h+Yd,0)
            p11 = v(W+w,TF+h-Yd,0)
            p12 = v(W+w,0+h,0)
            L1 = Part.makeLine(p1, p2)
            L2 = Part.makeLine(p2, p3)
            L3 = Part.makeLine(p3, p4)
            L4 = Part.makeLine(p4, p5)
            L5 = Part.makeLine(p5, p6)
            L6 = Part.makeLine(p6, p7)
            L7 = Part.makeLine(p7, p8)
            L8 = Part.makeLine(p8, p9)
            L9 = Part.makeLine(p9, p10)
            L10 = Part.makeLine(p10,p11)
            L11 = Part.makeLine(p11,p12)
            L12 = Part.makeLine(p12,p1)
            wire = Part.Wire([L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,L7,L8,L9,L10,L11,L12])
        if obj.MakeFillet == True and obj.IPN == False:      # IPE avec arrondis
            p1 =  v(0+w,0+h,0)
            p2 =  v(0+w,TF+h,0)
            p3 =  v(XA1-R+w,TF+h,0)
            p4 =  v(XA1+w,TF+R+h,0)
            p5 =  v(XA1+w,H-TF-R+h,0)
            p6 =  v(XA1-R+w,H-TF+h,0)
            p7 =  v(0+w,H-TF+h,0)
            p8 =  v(0+w,H+h,0)
            p9 =  v(W+w,H+h,0)
            p10 = v(W+w,H-TF+h,0)
            p11 = v(XA2+R+w,H-TF+h,0)
            p12 = v(XA2+w,H-TF-R+h,0)
            p13 = v(XA2+w,TF+R+h,0)
            p14 = v(XA2+R+w,TF+h,0)
            p15 = v(W+w,TF+h,0)
            p16 = v(W+w,0+h,0)
            c1 = v(XA1-R+w,TF+R+h,0)
            c2 = v(XA1-R+w,H-TF-R+h,0)
            c3 = v(XA2+R+w,H-TF-R+h,0)
            c4 = v(XA2+R+w,TF+R+h,0)
            L1 = Part.makeLine(p1, p2)
            L2 = Part.makeLine(p2, p3)
            L3 = Part.makeLine(p4, p5)
            L4 = Part.makeLine(p6, p7)
            L5 = Part.makeLine(p7, p8)
            L6 = Part.makeLine(p8, p9)
            L7 = Part.makeLine(p9, p10)
            L8 = Part.makeLine(p10, p11)
            L9 = Part.makeLine(p12, p13)
            L10 = Part.makeLine(p14, p15)
            L11 = Part.makeLine(p15, p16)
            L12 = Part.makeLine(p16, p1)
            A1 = Part.makeCircle(R,c1,d,270,0)
            A2 = Part.makeCircle(R,c2,d,0,90)
            A3 = Part.makeCircle(R,c3,d,90,180)
            A4 = Part.makeCircle(R,c4,d,180,270)
            wire = Part.Wire([L1,L2,A1,L3,A2,L4,L5,L6,L7,L8,A3,L9,A4,L10,L11,L12])
        if obj.MakeFillet == True and obj.IPN == True:       # IPN avec arrondis
            r = R/2
            angarc = obj.FlangeAngle
            angrad = math.pi*angarc/180
            sina = math.sin(angrad)
            cosa = math.cos(angrad)
            tana = math.tan(angrad)
            cot1 = W/4*tana     #1,47
            cot2 = TF-cot1      #4,42
            cot3 = r*cosa       #1,98
            cot4 = r-cot3*tana  #1,72
            cot5 = cot4*tana    #0,24
            cot5 = cot2+cot5    #4,66
            cot6 = R*sina       #0,55
            cot7 = W/4-R-TW/2   #4,6
            cot8 = cot6+cot7    #5,15
            cot9 = cot7*tana    #0,72
            cot10 = R*cosa      #3,96
            xc1 = r
            yc1 = cot5-cot3
            c1 = v(xc1+w,yc1+h,0)
            xc2 = W/2-TW/2-R
            yc2 = cot9+TF+cot10
            c2 = v(xc2+w,yc2+h,0)
            xc3 = xc2
            yc3 = H-yc2
            c3 = v(xc3+w,yc3+h,0)
            xc4 = xc1
            yc4 = H-yc1
            c4 = v(xc4+w,yc4+h,0)
            xc5 = W-xc1
            yc5 = yc4
            c5 = v(xc5+w,yc5+h,0)
            xc6 = W-xc2
            yc6 = yc3
            c6 = v(xc6+w,yc6+h,0)
            xc7 = xc6
            yc7 = yc2
            c7 = v(xc7+w,yc7+h,0)
            xc8 = xc5
            yc8 = yc1
            c8 = v(xc8+w,yc8+h,0)
            A1 = Part.makeCircle(r,c1,d,90+angarc,180)
            A2 = Part.makeCircle(R,c2,d,270+angarc,0)
            A3 = Part.makeCircle(R,c3,d,0,90-angarc)
            A4 = Part.makeCircle(r,c4,d,180,270-angarc)
            A5 = Part.makeCircle(r,c5,d,270+angarc,0)
            A6 = Part.makeCircle(R,c6,d,90+angarc,180)
            A7 = Part.makeCircle(R,c7,d,180,270-angarc)
            A8 = Part.makeCircle(r,c8,d,0,90-angarc)
            xp1 = 0
            yp1 = 0
            p1 = v(xp1+w,yp1+h,0)
            xp2 = 0
            yp2 = cot5-cot3
            p2  = v(xp2+w,yp2+h,0)
            xp3 = cot4
            yp3 = cot5
            p3 = v(xp3+w,yp3+h,0)
            xp4 = W/4+cot8
            yp4 = TF+cot9
            p4 = v(xp4+w,yp4+h,0)
            xp5 = W/2-TW/2
            yp5 = yc2
            p5 = v(xp5+w,yp5+h,0)
            xp6 = xp5
            yp6 = H-yp5
            p6 = v(xp6+w,yp6+h,0)
            xp7 = xp4
            yp7 = H-yp4
            p7 = v(xp7+w,yp7+h,0)
            xp8 = xp3
            yp8 = H-yp3
            p8 = v(xp8+w,yp8+h,0)
            xp9 = xp2
            yp9 = H - yp2
            p9 = v(xp9+w,yp9+h,0)
            xp10 = xp1
            yp10 = H
            p10 = v(xp10+w,yp10+h,0)
            xp11 = W
            yp11 = H
            p11 = v(xp11+w,yp11+h,0)
            xp12 = xp11
            yp12 = yp9
            p12 = v(xp12+w,yp12+h,0)
            xp13 = W-xp8
            yp13 = yp8
            p13 = v(xp13+w,yp13+h,0)
            xp14 = W-xp7
            yp14 = yp7
            p14 = v(xp14+w,yp14+h,0)
            xp15 = W-xp6
            yp15 = yp6
            p15 = v(xp15+w,yp15+h,0)
            xp16 = W-xp5
            yp16 = yp5
            p16 = v(xp16+w,yp16+h,0)
            xp17 = W-xp4
            yp17 = yp4
            p17 = v(xp17+w,yp17+h,0)
            xp18 = W-xp3
            yp18 = yp3
            p18 = v(xp18+w,yp18+h,0)
            xp19 = W-xp2
            yp19 = yp2
            p19 = v(xp19+w,yp19+h,0)
            xp20 = W
            yp20 = 0
            p20 = v(xp20+w,yp20+h,0)
            L1 = Part.makeLine(p1, p2)
            L2 = Part.makeLine(p3, p4)
            L3 = Part.makeLine(p5, p6)
            L4 = Part.makeLine(p7, p8)
            L5 = Part.makeLine(p9, p10)
            L6 = Part.makeLine(p10, p11)
            L7 = Part.makeLine(p11, p12)
            L8 = Part.makeLine(p13, p14)
            L9 = Part.makeLine(p15, p16)
            L10 = Part.makeLine(p17, p18)
            L11 = Part.makeLine(p19, p20)
            L12 = Part.makeLine(p20, p1)
            wire = Part.Wire([L1,A1,L2,A2,L3,A3,L4,A4,L5,L6,L7,A5,L8,A6,L9,A7,L10,A8,L11,L12])
        obj.Shape = wire    
        p = Part.Face(wire)   
        if L:                                       # si on extrude
            ProfileFull = p.extrude(v(0,0,L))
            obj.Shape = ProfileFull
            YA1 = W*math.tan(math.pi*B1/180)
            YA2 = W*math.tan(math.pi*B2/180)
            if B1 or B2:                            # couper les extrémités
                if B1 and not B2: 
                    p1 = v(w,h,0)
                    p2 = v(k*W+w,k*h,0)
                    p3 = v(k*W+w,k*h,k*YA1)
                    obj.Shape  = ProfileFull.cut(self.SubtractiveCoin(p1,p2,p3,H,A,d,k))
                if B2 and not B1: 
                    p1 = v(w,h,L)
                    p2 = v(k*W+w,k*h,L)
                    p3 = v(k*W+w,k*h,L-k*YA2)
                    obj.Shape  = ProfileFull.cut(self.SubtractiveCoin(p1,p2,p3,H,A,d,k))
                if B1 and B2 :  
                    p1 = v(w,h,0)
                    p2 = v(k*W+w,k*h,0)
                    p3 = v(k*W+w,k*h,k*YA1)
                    Profiledemicut = ProfileFull.cut(self.SubtractiveCoin(p1,p2,p3,H,A,d,k))
                    p1 = v(w,h,L)
                    p2 = v(k*W+w,k*h,L)
                    p3 = v(k*W+w,k*h,L-k*YA2)
                    obj.Shape  = Profiledemicut.cut(self.SubtractiveCoin(p1,p2,p3,H,A,d,k))   
            obj.Shape = p
        obj.Placement = pl
   def SubtractiveCoin(obj,p1,p2,p3,H,A,d,k):
        WireCoin = Part.makePolygon([p1,p2,p3,p1])
        FaceCoin = Part.Face(WireCoin)
        coin1 = FaceCoin.extrude(v(0,k*H,0))
        coin2 = FaceCoin.extrude(v(0,-k*H,0))
        if A:
            coin1.rotate (p1,d,A)
            coin2.rotate (p1,d,A)
        fuse = coin1.fuse(coin2)
        return fuse        
def MakeIH():
    doc = FreeCAD.activeDocument()
    if doc == None:
        doc = FreeCAD.newDocument()
    selobj = ""
    selsubobj = ""
    linksub = ""
    lenobj = 0 
        selobj = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0]
        linksub = (selobj.Object, (selobj.SubElementNames[0]))
        selsubobj = selobj.SubObjects[0]
        feature = selobj.Object
        edgeName = selobj.SubElementNames[0]
        lenobj = selsubobj.Length
        obj.MapMode = "NormalToEdge"
        obj.Support =  (feature, edgeName)
        obj.MapPathParameter = 1
        print ("no selection")
    viewObject = Gui.ActiveDocument.getObject(obj.Name)
    viewObject.DisplayMode = "Flat Lines"

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Re: A I beam python feature

Post by bernd »

similar to the way it is done in BOLTSFC for years already ... 8-) https://github.com/boltsparts/BOLTS/blo ... ofile_i.py
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Re: A I beam python feature

Post by carlopav »

nice script anyway!
follow my experiments on BIM modelling for architecture design
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Re: A I beam python feature

Post by bitacovir »

GlouGlou wrote: Wed Sep 16, 2020 9:00 pm For quickly design a beam.
well done. Keep learning!
One must be absolutely modern.
Arthur Rimbaud (A Season in Hell -1873)

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Vincent B
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Re: A I beam python feature

Post by Vincent B »

I've made the L profile and the Square profile as well.
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Re: A I beam python feature

Post by mario52 »


mais q'c'est biau

and the GUI and the wiki

Maybe you need a special feature, go into Macros_recipes and Code_snippets, Topological_data_scripting.
My macros on Gist.github here complete macros Wiki and forum.
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Re: A I beam python feature

Post by Jpk »

mais j'aurais besoin du mode d'emploi détaillé.
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Vincent B
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Re: A I beam python feature

Post by Vincent B »

2 ways to use it:
- Run the macro and give a length. You can use it manually by rotating and place it. The object can be containerized with Structure (Arch Wb) as well.
- Attached: select a edge of a sketch, run the macro, the profile is attached on the edge with his length.
I'm trying to build a selecting panel with all normalized dimensions. As I'm not gifted, that's coming slowly. :D
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Re: A I beam python feature

Post by oddtopus »

Nice feature indeed.
Unfortunately my installation of FC crashes when I save the file and reopen it.
Did you noticed the same trouble?
Version info:

Code: Select all

OS: Linux Mint 19.2
Word size of OS: 64-bit
Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
Version: 0.19.16121 (Git) AppImage
Build type: Release
Branch: master
Hash: a7919b63dea4bb1f1107c80ed44758479eec3d8d
Python version: 3.6.7
Qt version: 5.6.2
Coin version: 4.0.0a
OCC version: 7.3.0
Locale: Italian/Italy (it_IT)

Code: Select all

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x3f040) [0x7f19bcab3040]
#1  0x7f19c286ac0e in App::PropertyPythonObject::Restore(Base::XMLReader&) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libFreeCADApp.so+0x68e
#2  0x7f19c2840e4d in App::DynamicProperty::Restore(Base::XMLReader&) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libFreeCADApp.so+0x17d
#3  0x7f19c2796d19 in App::Document::readObjects(Base::XMLReader&) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libFreeCADApp.so+0x319
#4  0x7f19c279db93 in App::Document::Restore(Base::XMLReader&) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libFreeCADApp.so+0x1d3
#5  0x7f19c279f571 in App::Document::restore() from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libFreeCADApp.so+0x281
#6  0x7f19c28971f3 in App::Application::openDocument(char const*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libFreeCADApp.so+0x243
#7  0x7f19c28aab7c in App::Application::sOpenDocument(_object*, _object*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libFreeCADApp.so+0x5c
#8  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libpython3.6m.so.1.0(_PyCFunction_FastCallDict+0x18e) [0x7f19c1e1fc1e]
#9  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libpython3.6m.so.1.0(+0x1650da) [0x7f19c1eb90da]
#10  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libpython3.6m.so.1.0(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x3002) [0x7f19c1ebc902]
#11  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libpython3.6m.so.1.0(+0x164cde) [0x7f19c1eb8cde]
#12  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libpython3.6m.so.1.0(PyEval_EvalCodeEx+0x6d) [0x7f19c1eb930d]
#13  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libpython3.6m.so.1.0(PyEval_EvalCode+0x3b) [0x7f19c1eb935b]
#14  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libpython3.6m.so.1.0(PyRun_StringFlags+0x92) [0x7f19c1ef4772]
#15  0x7f19c23552d4 in Base::InterpreterSingleton::runString(char const*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libFreeCADBase.so+0x54
#16  0x7f19c2f9c07a in Gui::Command::doCommand(Gui::Command::DoCmd_Type, char const*, ...) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libFreeCADGui.so+0x12a
#17  0x7f19c2f0bfeb in Gui::Application::open(char const*, char const*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libFreeCADGui.so+0xfb
#18  0x7f19c2f91061 in Gui::RecentFilesAction::activateFile(int) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libFreeCADGui.so+0x2f1
#19  0x7f19c2fa027c in Gui::Command::invoke(int) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libFreeCADGui.so+0x4c
#20  0x7f19c2f90a02 in Gui::ActionGroup::onActivated(QAction*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libFreeCADGui.so+0x1d2
#21  0x7f19bdec18d1 in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Core.so.5+0x2c1
#22  0x7f19be84c10f in QActionGroup::triggered(QAction*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5+0x2f
#23  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5(+0x159009) [0x7f19be84d009]
#24  0x7f19bdec18d1 in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Core.so.5+0x2c1
#25  0x7f19be848372 in QAction::triggered(bool) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5+0x32
#26  0x7f19be84b09d in QAction::activate(QAction::ActionEvent) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5+0x5d
#27  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5(+0x2d8112) [0x7f19be9cc112]
#28  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5(+0x2dd280) [0x7f19be9d1280]
#29  0x7f19be9d4dcb in QMenu::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5+0x24b
#30  0x7f19be89473a in QWidget::event(QEvent*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5+0x96a
#31  0x7f19be9d569b in QMenu::event(QEvent*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5+0x8b
#32  0x7f19be851c6c in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5+0x9c
#33  0x7f19be856b5d in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5+0xc6d
#34  0x7f19c2f774a1 in Gui::GUIApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libFreeCADGui.so+0x41
#35  0x7f19bde97425 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Core.so.5+0x75
#36  0x7f19be855860 in QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(QWidget*, QMouseEvent*, QWidget*, QWidget*, QWidget**, QPointer<QWidget>&, bool) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5+0x1a0
#37  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5(+0x1ba274) [0x7f19be8ae274]
#38  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5(+0x1bc2c3) [0x7f19be8b02c3]
#39  0x7f19be851c6c in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5+0x9c
#40  0x7f19be8562ea in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5+0x3fa
#41  0x7f19c2f774a1 in Gui::GUIApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libFreeCADGui.so+0x41
#42  0x7f19bde97425 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Core.so.5+0x75
#43  0x7f19be2417db in QGuiApplicationPrivate::processMouseEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::MouseEvent*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Gui.so.5+0x40b
#44  0x7f19be242f75 in QGuiApplicationPrivate::processWindowSystemEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::WindowSystemEvent*) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Gui.so.5+0x115
#45  0x7f19be22474b in QWindowSystemInterface::sendWindowSystemEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Gui.so.5+0x7b
#46  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/lib/libQt5XcbQpa.so.5(+0xa05d0) [0x7f19b5f545d0]
#47  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0(+0x569be) [0x7f19b97a29be]
#48  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0(g_main_context_dispatch+0x33) [0x7f19b97a3826]
#49  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0(+0x57a0b) [0x7f19b97a3a0b]
#50  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0(g_main_context_iteration+0x4a) [0x7f19b97a3acf]
#51  0x7f19bdee898c in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Core.so.5+0x5c
#52  0x7f19bde9553b in QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Core.so.5+0xfb
#53  0x7f19bde9d466 in QCoreApplication::exec() from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libQt5Core.so.5+0x86
#54  0x7f19c2f1436c in Gui::Application::runApplication() from /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/../lib/libFreeCADGui.so+0x16bc
#55  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/FreeCAD(main+0x6c9) [0x403829]
#56  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xe7) [0x7f19bca95bf7]
#57  /tmp/.mount_FreeCAM6yDT3/usr/bin/FreeCAD() [0x404699]
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
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Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:03 pm

Re: A I beam python feature

Post by Kunda1 »

oddtopus wrote: Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:39 am Nice feature indeed.
Unfortunately my installation of FC crashes when I save the file and reopen it.

Version: 0.19.16121 (Git) AppImage
You're waaaay behind, current available 0.19 release is at 23578 (on linux)
Alone you go faster. Together we go farther
Please mark thread [Solved]
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